Enfield: A Swedish-American Farm Community, 1850-2002
The area of Silver Creek Township was settled in the 1850s by Swedish immigrants who left their ancestral home to face the challenges of life in the new world. They cleared the land and developed a prosperous farming community, which they named Enfield when a post office was established in 1910. Enfield was a booming farm community in the early part of the 20th century, with schools, churches, a potato warehouse, a cheese factory, and its own baseball team. The rural farm community thrived for a century, but now the farming way of life has given way to a residential bedroom community for nearby Minneapolis. Those first homesteaders are long gone, but their legacy lives on, and many of their descendants continue to live and work in the community.
Contributor(s): Abrahamson, Dean E (Author)
ISBN: 0738523097 EAN: 9780738523095
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing
Pages: 128
Binding: Hardcover and Paperback
Pub Date: July 30, 2003